About Me

For me, success is measured by the number of satisfied clients I serve each day.  As a buyer or a seller you expect integrity, reliability and accountability from me. And you want your selling and buying experience to be simplified.   I promise to always keep these front of mind.  You can also expect frank and truthful answers to your questions: "Can I afford this?  What do you think this/our house is worth?   Is this house right for us? What do you think of this neighbourhood? Should we sell or renovate?  Should we buy first or sell first?  I promise to ALWAYS tell you what I think whether I think you're going to like it or not.   I am here to provide quality service, an informed perspective and the insight you need to make the right decision for you and your family. I'm here to negotiate on your behalf and represent your best interests.  I'm here before, during and well after you've bought or sold your home.  I'm here. 



2015, 2017

2014, 2016, 2021, 2018 - 2019